Lecture on Human Rights and Justice held by Richard Crowe
Room 325 in the Curie Bau held today mr. Richard Crowe's lecture on Human Rights and legal boundaries.
The lecture started with Mr. Crowe giving a brief description of himself and his work, followed by a lively short interaction with the students, who presented themselves as well.
The main questions that the lecture tried to answer were "What role does Law play in Human Rights?" and "How do we really inforce the rights we have?". The discussion went on about the sources of Human Rights, the levels of jurisdiction, about conventions, codes and instituions that grant the respect of Human Rights.
There were also discussions based on case-studies of Human Rights abuse and the trial that followed. A big minus of the legislation in this field is that the procedural matters can sometimes take up to several years. In addition to that, it is hard to obey the laws like when dealing with merchandise. Human Rights require more subjectivism and flexibility when judging a case. The plus would be that when the law doesn't have clear intstructions for a certain matter, it will always be more on the "client's" side. That is, the person and not the institution.
The participants asked relevant questions and focused more on the applied function of the information given. On how students can actually help to stop Human Rights abuse and raise awareness on this subject.
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