Friday, May 8 at 23:59

Retrospective ... the first day

Today 197 participants checked in at the infopoint.

Traditionally about 40 Ukranians chartered a bus to get to Ilmenau.

The longest journey had one participant from Australia

A Pakistani was robbed at the airport in Frankfurt and had to return home.

At 12 pm the ISWIradio started broadcasting, ISWIsion will follow tomorrow.
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weather forecast.

It is not going to rain all ISWI. i repeat, it is not going to rain all ISWI. Read more

About the Info Point and other bees.

"Bunaa, ce faci?", "Wie, bitte?", "Como estas, mi amigo?", "Excusez-moi, je voudrais une biere".. yes, this is ISWI - day one.
Welcome everyone! A sunny day here in Ilmenau, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, the ladies at the Mensa are cooking great food and meanwhile, some little bees work so that everything goes well with this spring's event.
So. After you've arrived, taken a shower, eaten the road sandwhich and phoned your family, it would be a good idea to go by the InfoPoint(downstairs at the Mensa) and meet the people down there:
Besides the fact that these three handsome guys are helpful and shinny, you can get here all the useful info you need:
and also some free stuff for runny noses and dirty glass lenses:

It's also there that you can write on the Wall. Not the Berlin one, but The Prejudices Wall. Do you believe that tall women can kick any man's ass or the Americans were born holding a burger and a coke? Just write it down here(*note: no one should take any of them personally, it's just stating prejudices and later on discussing about them). :

Moving on, the same building hosts the ISWI radio station. Nice music, happy people, online debates, fresh news and one funny mascot:

So, have fun, eat bratwurst! Read more

ISWIradio is live on air

Starting today at 12 PM (now!) ISWIradio will have a 24/7 live coverage of everything that is going on here in Ilmenau. You can listen to them on FM 98.1 Mhz or vie Internet Stream (MP3, OGG or to the flash-stream on their website). On monday, wednesday and friday some participants will also have their own programme so make sure that you won't miss it!

Press play! Read more

It has begun

Today is the first day of ISWI 2009, the event many of you have been waiting for the last months. A lot has been prepared in order to make it an outstanding week for all participants, students and whoever is taking a trip to the campus to be part of it. If you live in Ilmenau: We're still looking for people who'd host some of our partcipants during ISWI. If you're uncertain: Take a walk to the infopoint at the Mensa and have a chat with some of the participants. By offering one of them a place to spend the nights and some breakfast, you'll have the chance to get in touch with new cultures. If you don't have any space, make sure to visit some of the lectures and events to be really part of ISWI 2009! Read more