Group 5.3: Human rights and science
“In a highly militarized society, science and technology reveal military values. In a society where values are mainly derived from the search for power and wealth, they are shaped accordingly. The values of science implemented in a reasonable society become reasonable – one could say humane. The derived technology would serve life instead of death.” If you think of science in connection with human rights, the ethics of science unavoidably comes to mind. Especially in our modern world with all its possibilities for the research this connection is becoming more and more important. Genetic engineering, cloning, embryonic stem cell research – in many fields science encounters ethical and judicial boundaries. The main question is: How far can and should science go? A desire for control of science and the assessment of its consequences should be discussed. But who would manage the preservation of human rights within science? Should every country decide for itself, to what extent research in sensitive fields of science is allowed or do international treaties and institutions offer a better solution? Besides the question of responsibility in the use of scientific results, the question of imposing sanctions against people and countries behaving unethically should also be asked. Another point to discuss is the active role of science in the spreading and realization of human rights: Can science contribute to overcome the lack of food or the climate crisis? How can humankind research for its own good?
The introductory lecture will be held by Prof. Dr. Udo Schuklenk
The introductory lecture will be held by Prof. Dr. Udo Schuklenk