Group 4.1: Human rights and children
Children must have the room for a free development of their personality and in particular they need protection. That is why there is a specific charter for the rights of children. But why do they need special rights? Are the Human Rights not enough? Do they really have all human rights? On the basis of the Charter of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the context of the Millennium Goals the participants shall discuss questions like these within the group. The aim is to develop ideas how to guarantee that all children are given their rights and how we can generally improve their protection. Furthermore, the participation of children is a point that can be discussed. How should or must children participate in the important decisions in politics, economy, society, etc.? What is more important: their protection or their right of liberty or could both be fulfilled in parallel? Should children be empowered? Another aspect in this context is sustainability and future, because:”The person who secures the rights of children today, secures the human rights of tomorrow.”4 How can we leave a better and fairer world to our children? What does sustainability mean? How can we achieve it?
The introductory lecture will be held by Andreas Rister
The introductory lecture will be held by Andreas Rister