Wednesday, May 13 at 00:25

Trip day.

Today, the docu group actually went out of the office (yes, that really happened!)and had a fun trip to Erfurt, at the MDR studios, which are the TV studios for the whole region of Thüringen.
After a 30 minutes car trip with our three nice drivers, we were greeted at the studios by a former Ilmenau student and HSF member who took us on a guided tour through the studios.
We started by visiting the "kids' zone", a special studio designed for kids shows, where some workers were building some future scenery. We moved on to the room where all the news is broadcasted from; here, we saw how all the magic is done(i mean we were shown a professional reading prompter) and our group participant, Ahmed, broadcasted some virtual news in Egyptian.
Later on, we saw the room of the "bad guys", the ones that give instructions through the headphones to the cameramen and the editing studio. Many buttons and colours and wires.
The last stop was at the radio station. Where we learnt that the phones which are in the studio don't ever ring, they just show a white-yellowish light. That's why we never hear ringing phones at the radio..
The participants asked some questions which our guide answered kindly and then we headed back to Ilmenau. There was an office meeting waiting for us to assign tasks and plan the rest of the day.
If you're reading this blog post just now, on the 13th of May at 00:19, put your pc on standby and go to the Humboldtbau, there's some action going on:)




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