Nasty stuff around campus

Offering a good quality of alcohol, we challenged you participants with a heavy serious questions colleting your impression so far.
We would like to apologize in advance to those of whom we forgot their names….
Swiss vs.
Do you find the bathroom to be comfortable enough for all your personal needs?
N: ‘yehhh, its ok….’
What is the craziest thing you did in the bathroom?
N: ‘I probably kissed a girl…. In a club’
Disappointed from the boring answer, we hoped to get the repulsive details from the swiss guy …
S: ‘ oh yehh, they are ok, they are very clean…..’
Cleannn….a character that is to be highly important, no doubt…..
Gorgina ( made up name) form one of the minimally number of states in eastern Europe has commented on the question by stating the basic fact ‘ well…paper and water, what else do you need…’
Mr. Michael Jackson from
The winner though had given us with a different point of view… Ohad, from the holy
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful women of them all …
In awarding the most prettiest girls, we would have to say that….Micheal wan the douze point in answering Mediterranean girls , sucking up (….) to the interviewer. On the list of course there was the girls from
Bad boys, bad boys what you are gonna do, what you are gonna do when we come for you….
‘ sorry guys… you are missing something… some fire’
Have you already found someone?
Julia: ‘ mmm…not yet but I have no doubt that something will happen…’
by Ravit&lumina
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